Russell Flight Support Services is comprised of these divisions:Tour operator's representation - provided by additional dedicated team of our tour division.
Keep track of each flight round the clock from its arrival to take-off.
Arrange hotel accommodation and transport for both crew and passengers.
Assistance to crew and passenger to complete their airport formalities.
Specialises in the handling of diplomatic and VIP flights, coordinating with the concerned Govt. Authorities
Service Description
Providing over wing & under wing aircraft handing
Bahamas Immigration in-out bound passenger clearance
Air craft clearance (Bahamas Customs)
Passenger clearance (Bahamas Customs)
Air craft landing fees
Departure taxes fees (Bahamas)
Catering service
Over night Air craft cleaning /security service
Current Weather Forecast
V.I.P. Service
Lavatory service
Night Flight Arrangements
Air line mangement
Agiculture service
Cargo srevice
Large Jet Servive
Over flight permits fees
Equipment rental service
Limousine service
Crew transportation
Navigation fees
Parking fees
Grounding handling fees
fuel arrangement